Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Bogged down by Blogs?

I've spent a delightful half hour reading and commenting on my daughters' and daughter-in-law's blogs. I am learning so much about each one of them. I have a few other blogs I check from time-to-time but I really am trying to limit the amount of time I spent in front of a computer screen. I have so many projects waiting my attention. One reason I had chosen not to do my own blog when everyone else was catching on was that I love writing in my journal and I want to leave them for my posterity. Taking time away from the important things such as that, reading my scriptures, cleaning house, etc., would merely have added to any guilt I felt already for not accomplishing all that I felt I should do. But I type so much faster than I handwrite, and today I tried something I hadn't gotten around to yet and which you smarter and younger women probably already have been doing. I just learned I can print every post I put on my blog! So these are pages that will be added to my handwritten journals where I will write in private the things that I couldn't post publicly. I have a journal in which I write my daily doings along with notes of things I've learned in sacrament meeting, etc. I also have an "extra thoughts" journal in which I expound on things that have really occupied my thoughts and filled my heart. One day all of this will be available to my children and grandchildren if they want to take the time to learn more about this person who passed on the genes that drive them crazy from time-to-time. The blog, I suppose, we could call a "sneak preview."


Katy said...

That's a lot of journals. You're lucky you don't have very many kids so you have lots of free time. :oP

I like the idea of blogging as a journal of sorts, but I also like the feeling of my pen running across the page in my paper & pen journal. I need to do it more often.

Edna said...

I'm so glad you feel that way about the real journals, Katy, because I have willed all my journals to you. You get to be the one to decide if there is anything worth sharing with anyone else. And you can bet I've run a lot of ink across lots of pages! I like that feeling, too. In fact, I need to get my journal caught up for the week.

Jessica said...

There are companies that will bind your blog into a book: for one. You might want to check it out.

Unknown said...

What, you don't trust me to keep track of your journals?

Probably a good plan.

Edna said...

Thanks, Jessica! I will take a look at that. Maybe in a year I'll have them do that with my blog. If I post about once-a-week I should have a nice sized yearly journal, right?

Oh, Cindy, you're getting something else from me when I die! I hope you have room for all of it!